Really wish there was more artistic pieces next to opera or orchestra examples.
This is a beaut.
Really wish there was more artistic pieces next to opera or orchestra examples.
This is a beaut.
Thanks :D
Man, Tchaikovsky has been kinda quiet as of late since this image has dropped.
Also serious this is majestic. Gorgeous piece!
Thanks :D
I remember this. You definitely captured the whole essence and core aspects of the artstyle.
Although growing up with Russian cartoons and with this one specifically, the frog definitely gave me eebie-jeebies.
Really wonderful work, huge applause!
Thank you so much!
The Jojoke.
Gives homages to Crimson Chin too.
haha indeed
Man, Egyptians sure have evolved.
They probably had a little help from their Alien Gods :D
Feels like I'm watching the body to de-skin and grow itself out of it like a plant.
Sounds about right. I tried to paint it so that it would look like those face arms could fold back in and form a somewhat normalish face. Don't know how obvious that is, a bit hard to depict that idea in a still image
Oh man, I really love the essence of Team Fortress 2 artstyle. These also do heavily remind me of the Gun Mettle Update which was not most favorable but was aspiring and very pleasing to see Miss Pauling finally make a tribute within the game. And some promo art / comics coming along too. Speaking of which I would love to see these works of yours inside the actual game. All of these look superb!
Also, welcome (back) to Newgrounds!
Thank you so much, I'm glad you like them! I wasn't really there for the previous updates, so I don't really know much lmao, but it would be insane if my art ever gets in the game- I don't think my heart could take it.
Glad to be (back) here!
Aurora Borealis? From 4th wall breaking perspective localized entirely inside the new portal art!?
Well her chest has a bounce to it.
So it checks out even if you haven't played NieR. But cute work!
I'm glad you like it!
Trying not to look like a smartass in front of cool people since 2011. Living oldschool and still appreciating good things.
Meme Overdose
Home Alone 3
Joined on 5/6/11