All that small pp energy. Just for changing a blue bird into a letter.
All that small pp energy. Just for changing a blue bird into a letter.
NG cast drawn like this and jokes along are just spot on.
Keep making good stuff Kokoro!
Dave being the best dad out there.
This is him with the last braincells as a Twitter CEO.
Holy heck the jokes. The references!
Love the 3D and 2D use together combined.
This was a fun watch.
I love the animation artstyle. Good stuff.
The silly body movements are just flawless. Makes up for funny gags and animation is smooth as a butter. Especially voice acting. Lovely work!
As always the humor and the shenanigans going strong. Love these so far.
Trying not to look like a smartass in front of cool people since 2011. Living oldschool and still appreciating good things.
Meme Overdose
Home Alone 3
Joined on 5/6/11