The hit detection is a bit off but overall very plain and simple shooter game.
The hit detection is a bit off but overall very plain and simple shooter game.
As others pointed out, it's very slippery controls and can work well if polished in the end. Artstyle definitely fits in for such role. I'd kinda also suggest making ammo infinite to avoid confusion unless you give plenty of balancing both on gun usage and enemy dosage of health you deal damage against.
Is for the "platformer object" extention, I fix this mecanic in clickteam fusion with the values active code so you can feel more fast tha mechanics of the player, I restart the game in this moments
Okay wow, the animation, plot and artstyle altogether fit in so well.
Very simple push the block game with mindful of puzzling experience along with the main
cast of characters along enemies placed in their fun positioning to solve through.
It's very engaging and has quite the charm of it.
For some odd reason, you need to do the whole medals WITHOUT using any upgrades. Which is weird considering it's one counting value that goes up. Either way it's very straightforward clicker game. (I know it can't be fixed but still weird to see such error)
Can't imagine how Twilight reboots would look like. Probably like this.
Lmao, this was awesome. The silly shenanigans and gags were a good touch.
Definitely an homage to that Super Mario 64 mini-games collection on the DS.
Where you find characters perfectly hidden across with a time limit.
And this does perfectly to test you if you can recognize some of the Sonic cast (and fan made ones).
She's full of sandwiches after smacking so many walls.
Funny and silly idea. Love how this is executed lol
This was quite fun, I missed these kinds of adventures.
Trying not to look like a smartass in front of cool people since 2011. Living oldschool and still appreciating good things.
Meme Overdose
Home Alone 3
Joined on 5/6/11